Source code for pyrem.visualization

This is prototypical early visualisation module.
It allows visualisation of :class:`~pyrem.polygram.Polygram` objects using matplotlib.
In the future, The visualisation tool should be faster and more interactive.
It is likely to become independent of matplotlib.

__author__ = 'quentin'

from datetime import timedelta

from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import zoom
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import as cmx

from pyrem.time_series import Signal, Annotation

[docs]class PolygramDisplay(object): def __init__(self, polygram, max_point_amplitude_plot=1000): self.polygram = polygram self.max_point_amplitude_plot = max_point_amplitude_plot
[docs] def show(self): self.fig, self.axarr = pl.subplots(self.polygram.n_channels, sharex=True) self.fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) self._redraw(None, init=True) self._redraw(None)
def _redraw(self, _, init=False): for ax, sig in zip(self.axarr, self.polygram.channels): if not init: ax.clear() #ax.set_autoscale_on(False) # Otherwise, infinite loop ax.autoscale(enable=False, axis='x') ax.autoscale(enable=True, axis='y') ax.callbacks.connect('xlim_changed', self._redraw) if isinstance(sig, Signal): self._plot_signal_on_ax(sig, ax, init) elif isinstance(sig, Annotation): self._plot_annotation_on_ax(sig, ax,init) else: raise ValueError("The time series is a %s" % str(type(sig))) #pl.setp([ax.get_xticklabels()], visible=False) axis_title = "%s\n(@%sHz)" % (, str(round(sig.fs,3))) ax.set_ylabel(axis_title) def _plot_annotation_on_ax(self, signal, ax, autoscale=False, colourmap="flag"): if autoscale: xstart = 0 xdelta = signal.duration.total_seconds() else: xstart,ystart,xdelta,ydelta = ax.viewLim.bounds if xstart <0: start_time = timedelta() else: start_time = timedelta(seconds=xstart) stop_time = timedelta(seconds=xdelta) + timedelta(seconds=xstart) sub_sig = signal[start_time:stop_time] xs =np.linspace(0, sub_sig.duration.total_seconds() ,sub_sig.size) + start_time.total_seconds() ys = sub_sig.values probs = sub_sig.probas ys = ys.reshape((1,ys.size)) zoom_f = float(self.max_point_amplitude_plot)/ sub_sig.size ys = zoom(ys,[1, zoom_f], order=0) ax.imshow(ys, extent=[np.min(xs), np.max(xs), 1.5, -0.5], aspect="auto", cmap=colourmap, vmin=0, vmax=255, origin='lower') ax.plot(xs,probs,"-", color="k", linewidth=3) ax.plot(xs,probs,"-", color="y", linewidth=1,alpha=0.5) jet = cm = pl.get_cmap(colourmap) cNorm = colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=255) scalarMap = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=jet) states = np.unique(ys) boxes = [pl.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=scalarMap.to_rgba(col)) for col in states] labels = [chr(s) for s in states] pl.legend(boxes,labels, loc='lower right') n_labels = 8 #fixme magic number if len(xs) > n_labels: trimming = int(float(len(xs)) / float(n_labels)) xs_trimmed = np.round(xs[::trimming]) else: xs_trimmed = xs time_strings = [str(timedelta(seconds=s)) for s in xs_trimmed] ax.set_xticks(xs_trimmed) ax.set_xticklabels(time_strings, rotation=70) return def _plot_signal_on_ax(self, signal, ax, autoscale=False): if autoscale: xstart = 0 xdelta = signal.duration.total_seconds() else: xstart,ystart,xdelta,ydelta = ax.viewLim.bounds n_viewed_points = xdelta * signal.fs if n_viewed_points < self.max_point_amplitude_plot*5: if xstart <0: start_time = timedelta() else: start_time = timedelta(seconds=xstart) stop_time = timedelta(seconds=xdelta) + timedelta(seconds=xstart) sub_sig = signal[start_time:stop_time] xs =np.linspace(0, sub_sig.duration.total_seconds() ,sub_sig.size) + start_time.total_seconds() ax.plot(xs, sub_sig,"-", linewidth=1, color=(0,0,1,0.5)) return winsize_npoints = float(n_viewed_points) / float(self.max_point_amplitude_plot) secs = winsize_npoints / signal.fs start = int(xstart * signal.fs) if start <0: start=0 stop = int((xstart + xdelta) * signal.fs) sub_sig = signal[start:stop] mins, maxes, means, sds,xs = [],[],[],[],[] for c, w in sub_sig.iter_window(secs,1): mins.append(np.min(w)) maxes.append(np.max(w)) means.append(np.mean(w)) sds.append(np.std(w)) xs.append(c+start / sub_sig.fs) means = np.array(means) mean_plus_sd = means +sds mean_minus_sd = means - sds ax.fill_between(xs,mins,maxes, facecolor=(0,0,1,0.6),edgecolor=(0,0,0,0.2), antialiased=True) ax.fill_between(xs,mins,maxes, facecolor=(0,0,1,0.6),edgecolor=(0,0,0,0.2), antialiased=True) ax.fill_between(xs,mean_minus_sd, mean_plus_sd, facecolor=(1,0.5,0,0.9),edgecolor=(0,0,0,0), antialiased=True) ax.plot(xs,means,"-", linewidth=1, color='k') n_labels = 8 #fixme magic number if len(xs) > n_labels: trimming = int(float(len(xs)) / float(n_labels)) xs_trimmed = np.round(xs[::trimming]) else: xs_trimmed = xs time_strings = [str(timedelta(seconds=s)) for s in xs_trimmed] ax.set_xticks(xs_trimmed) ax.set_xticklabels(time_strings, rotation=70) return