Source code for pyrem.feature_families

The goal of this submodule is to provide a flexible interface to compute arbitrary features on each channel and epoch (temporal slices) of a multivariate time series (Polygraph).
Features are grouped in families of several features (e.g. Power Features may contain mean power, variance of power, ...).
Feature factory computes features for arbitrary feature families and group them in a data.frame

__author__ = 'quentin'

import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats as stats
import scipy.signal as signal

from pyrem.univariate import *
from pyrem.time_series import Signal,Annotation

[docs]class FeatureFamilyBase(object): r""" A feature family object is a process returning a vector of features upon analysis of some data. Features are returned as a pandas DataFrame object, with column names for features. Each feature name is prefixed by the name of the feature family. This is an abstract class designed to be derived by: 1. Defining a ``prefix`` attribute. It will add the name of the family to the name of the features. 2. Overriding the ``_make_feature_vec`` method. It should return a dictionary of scalars, each being a feature. """ prefix = None
[docs] def make_vector(self, signal): """ Compute one vector of features from polygraph. :param data: A signal :type data: :class:`~pyrem.signal.polygraph.Polygraph` :return: a one-row dataframe :rtype: :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` """ if not self._check_channel_type(signal): return feature_dict = self._make_feature_vec(signal) data_frame = pd.DataFrame(feature_dict, index=[None]) if len(feature_dict) > 1 and self.prefix is None: raise Exception("More than one features in this group. You need a prefix to identify this group") if self.prefix: data_frame.columns = [ +"."+self.prefix + "." + c for c in data_frame.columns] return data_frame
def _check_channel_type(self,data): return NotImplementedError def _make_feature_vec(self,data): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class SignalFeatureBase(FeatureFamilyBase): def _check_channel_type(self,channel): return isinstance(channel, Signal)
[docs]class AnnotationFeatureBase(FeatureFamilyBase): def _check_channel_type(self,channel): return isinstance(channel, Annotation)
[docs]class VigilState(AnnotationFeatureBase): prefix = "vigil" def _make_feature_vec(self, channel): r = channel.values uniqs = np.unique(r) i = channel.probas probs = [] for u in uniqs: eqs = (r == u) probs.append(np.sum(i[eqs])) probs = np.array(probs) probs /= np.sum(i) max_prob_idx = np.argmax(probs) out = dict() out["value"] = uniqs[max_prob_idx] if sum(i) == 0: out["proba"] = 0 else: out["proba"] = probs[max_prob_idx] return out
[docs]class PeriodogramFeatures(SignalFeatureBase): prefix = "spectr" def _make_feature_vec(self, channel): f, Pxx_den = signal.welch(channel, channel.fs, nperseg=256) posden = Pxx_den posden= np.log10(posden[0:25]) orders = np.argsort(-posden) out = {} for i,d in enumerate(orders): out["%03d" %(i)] = d return out
[docs]class AbsoluteFeatures(SignalFeatureBase): prefix = "abs" def _make_feature_vec(self, channel): out = dict() absol = np.abs(channel) out["mean"] = np.mean(absol) out["sd"] = np.std(absol) out["median"] = np.median(absol) # out["skew"] = stats.skew(absol) # out["kurt"] = stats.kurtosis(absol) out["min"] = np.max(absol) # out["max"] = np.min(absol) return out
[docs]class PowerFeatures(SignalFeatureBase): prefix = "power" def _make_feature_vec(self, channel): out = dict() powers = channel ** 2 out["mean"] = np.mean(powers) out["sd"] = np.std(powers) out["median"] = np.median(powers) # out["skew"] = stats.skew(powers) # out["kurt"] = stats.skew(powers) out["min"] = np.max(powers) # out["max"] = np.min(powers) return out #
[docs]class NonLinearFeatures(SignalFeatureBase): prefix = "nl" def _make_feature_vec(self,channel): out = dict() out["hurst"] = hurst(channel) #out["dfa"] = dfa(data) return out #
[docs]class FractalFeatures(SignalFeatureBase): prefix = "fractal" def _make_feature_vec(self,channel): out = dict() out["hfd"] = hfd(channel, 8) out["pfd"] = pfd(channel) return out #
[docs]class HjorthFeatures(SignalFeatureBase): prefix = "hjorth" def _make_feature_vec(self, channel): a,m,c = hjorth(channel) out = {"morbidity":m, "complexity":c} return out
[docs]class EntropyFeatures(SignalFeatureBase): prefix = "entropy" def _make_feature_vec(self,channel): out = dict() #out["spectral"] = spectral_entropy(data,np.arange(0,50), channel.sampling_freq) # fixme magic number here out["svd"] = svd_entropy(channel, 3,3) # fixme magic number here out["fisher"] = fisher_info(channel, 3,3) #out["apent"] = ap_entropy(data, 2,5000) for scale in [2]: for r in [0.2, 1.0, 1.5]: out["sample_%i_%s" % (scale, str(np.round(r, 3)))] = samp_entropy(channel, scale, r) return out # class FeatureFactory(object): # # def __init__(self, feature_groups): # self._feature_group = feature_groups # # def _make_features(self,signal): # dfs = [ group.make_vector(signal) for group in self._feature_group] # return pd.concat(dfs, axis=1) # # # def make_vector(self, signal, t=np.NaN): # return self._make_features(signal) # # def major_annotations(self, annotations): # a = annotations.flatten() # r = np.real(a) # uniqs = np.unique(r) # i = np.imag(a) # probs = [] # for u in uniqs: # eqs = (r == u) # probs.append(np.sum(i[eqs])) # # probs = np.array(probs) # probs /= np.sum(i) # # # max_prob_idx = np.argmax(probs) # # return uniqs[max_prob_idx] + probs[max_prob_idx]* 1j # # # def make_features_for_epochs(self, data, length, lag, add_major_annotations=False, processes=1): # r""" # Compute features, for all channels and all epochs, of a polygraph. # # :param data: A polygraph # :type data: :class:`~pyrem.signal.polygraph.Polygraph` # # :param length: the length of the epoch in seconds (see :meth:`~pyrem.signal.polygraph.Polygraph.embed_seq`) # :type length: float # :param lag: the lag of the epoch in seconds (see :meth:`~pyrem.signal.polygraph.Polygraph.embed_seq`) # :type lag: float # :return: a dataframe # :rtype: :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` # """ # rows = [] # for t, s in data.embed_seq(length, lag): # if add_major_annotations: # majors = [self.major_annotations(a) for a in s.annotations()] # # # # # for c in s.channels(): # row = self._make_features(c) # # row["channel"] = [c.channel_types[0]] # if add_major_annotations: # for ann, maj in zip(s.annotation_types, majors): # row[ann+"_value"] = np.real(maj) # row[ann+"_prob"] = np.imag(maj) # # # row.index = [t] # rows.append(row) # # features = pd.concat(rows) # return features # # class FeatureFamilyBase(object): # r""" # A feature family object is a process returning a vector of features upon analysis of some data. # Features are returned as a pandas DataFrame object, with column names for features. Each feature name is prefixed by the name of the # feature family. This is an abstract class designed to be derived by: # # 1. Defining a ``prefix`` attribute. It will add the name of the family to the name of the features. # 2. Overriding the ``_make_feature_vec`` method. It should return a dictionary of scalars, each being a feature. # # """ # prefix = None # def make_vector(self, data): # """ # Compute one vector of features from polygraph. # # :param data: A polygraph # :type data: :class:`~pyrem.signal.polygraph.Polygraph` # :return: a one-row dataframe # :rtype: :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` # """ # if data.n_channels != 1: # raise NotImplementedError("Only data with one channel can be analysed") # feature_dict = self._make_feature_vec(data) # # data_frame = pd.DataFrame(feature_dict, index=[None]) # # if len(feature_dict) > 1 and self.prefix is None: # raise Exception("More than one features in this group. You need a prefix to identify this group") # # if self.prefix: # data_frame.columns = [self.prefix + "_" + c for c in data_frame .columns] # return data_frame # # def _make_feature_vec(self,data): # raise NotImplementedError # # # class PowerFeatures(FeatureFamilyBase): # prefix = "power" # def _make_feature_vec(self, channel): # data = # out = dict() # # powers = data ** 2 # out["mean"] = np.mean(powers) # out["sd"] = np.std(powers) # out["median"] = np.median(powers) # out["skew"] = stats.skew(powers) # out["kurtosis"] = stats.kurtosis(powers) # # return out # # # class NonLinearFeatures(FeatureFamilyBase): # prefix = "nl" # def _make_feature_vec(self,channel): # data = # out = dict() # out["hurst"] = hurst(data) # #out["dfa"] = dfa(data) # return out # # # class HjorthFeatures(FeatureFamilyBase): # prefix = "hjorth" # def _make_feature_vec(self, channel): # data = # a,m,c = hjorth(data) # out = {"activity":a, "morbidity":m, "complexity":c} # return out # # # class EntropyFeatures(FeatureFamilyBase): # prefix = "entropy" # # def _make_feature_vec(self,channel): # data = # out = dict() # #out["spectral"] = spectral_entropy(data,np.arange(0,50), channel.sampling_freq) # fixme magic number here # out["svd"] = svd_entropy(data, 3,3) # fixme magic number here # out["fisher"] = fisher_info(data, 3,3) # #out["apent"] = ap_entropy(data, 2,5000) # out["sample_2_1000"] = samp_entropy(data, 2, 1000) # out["sample_2_2000"] = samp_entropy(data, 2, 2000) # out["sample_2_5000"] = samp_entropy(data, 2, 5000) # out["sample_3_1000"] = samp_entropy(data, 3, 1000) # out["sample_3_2000"] = samp_entropy(data, 3, 2000) # out["sample_3_5000"] = samp_entropy(data, 3, 5000) # out["sample_4_1000"] = samp_entropy(data, 4, 1000) # out["sample_4_2000"] = samp_entropy(data, 4, 2000) # out["sample_4_5000"] = samp_entropy(data, 4, 5000) # # return out # # class MSEFeatures(FeatureFamilyBase): # prefix = "mse" # # def _make_feature_vec(self,channel): # data = # out = dict() # #out["spectral"] = spectral_entropy(data,np.arange(0,50), channel.sampling_freq) # fixme magic number here # r = 0.15 # for i in range(1,4): # # name = "%i_%i" %(i, int(r*100)) # out[name] = samp_entropy(data,2,r,i) # # print i, int(r*100), out[name] # # return out # # class WaveletsFeaturesBase(FeatureFamilyBase): # prefix = "wavelets" # _max_level = 5 # _wavelet = None # def __init__(self): # if self._wavelet is None: # raise NotImplementedError # self.prefix = self.prefix + "." + self._wavelet # # def _make_feature_vec(self,channel): # data = # coeffs = pywt.wavedec(data, self._wavelet, level=self._max_level) # coeff_names = ["_cA_%i" % (len(coeffs) -1 ) ] # for n in range(len(coeffs) -1, 0, -1): # coeff_names.append("_cD_%i" % (n)) # out = dict() # for c, n in zip(coeffs, coeff_names): # c = np.abs(c) # out["mean" + n] = np.mean(c) # out["sd"+ n] = np.std(c) # # out["median"+ n] = np.median(c) # # out["skew"+ n] = stats.skew(c) # # out["kurtosis"+ n] = stats.kurtosis(c) # return out # # class WaveletsFeaturesDB1(WaveletsFeaturesBase): _wavelet = "db1" # class WaveletsFeaturesDB2(WaveletsFeaturesBase): _wavelet = "db2" # class WaveletsFeaturesDB3(WaveletsFeaturesBase): _wavelet = "db3" # class WaveletsFeaturesDB4(WaveletsFeaturesBase): _wavelet = "db4" # # # class PeriodFeatures(FeatureFamilyBase): # prefix = "welch" # # def _make_feature_vec(self, channel): # data = # # freqs, pow = sig.welch(data, channel.sampling_freq) # # pow_f = freqs * pow/np.sum(pow) # # out = dict() # # out["mode"] = freqs[np.argmax(pow)] # out["mean"] = np.mean(pow_f) * freqs.size # out["sd"] = np.std(pow_f) * freqs.size # out["mean"] = np.mean(pow_f) * freqs.size # out["median"] = np.median(pow_f) * freqs.size # out["skew"] = stats.skew(pow_f) * freqs.size # out["kurtosis"] = stats.kurtosis(pow_f) * freqs.size # # out["entropy"] = stats.entropy(pow_f) * freqs.size #TODO # # return out